FX-Framework Custom Gamma Tables

Requires N64Digital firmware >= 1.5.8
Requires PFX PS1Digital firmware

FX-Framework supports uploading custom gamma tables as an text file in either Pixel FX format (where output values can be set for R, G, and B individually) or MiSTer format (where the output values are the same for R, G, and B) and

After creating a gamma.txt file, it can be uploaded via the web interface:


Pixel FX

# ...

The file should contain (at least) 256 lines, the first line containing a number refers to the input level of each color, the comma separated numbers on the line the red/green/blue output level.

Empty lines and lines starting with # are ignored


MiSTer gamma tables can be found here: https://github.com/MiSTer-devel/Filters_MiSTer/tree/master/Gamma

# ...

The file should contain (at least) 256 lines, the first line containing a number refers to the input level, the number on the line to the output level.

Empty lines and lines starting with # are ignored

Documentation - Index